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Public- Private Partnership Is Key In Realization Of NCTTCA Programs

 On the final leg of the country consultations, the Northern Corridor Transit and Transport Coordination Authority (NCTTCA) secretariat visited the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) headquarters.

Together with the KNCCI team, held fruitful discussions on involvement of the private sector in ensuring successful facilitation of inter-state and transit trade between Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan and Uganda with Kenyan maritime sea port of Mombasa.


Delegates from the Northern Corridor Secretariat at KNCCI HQ

The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) committed to work closely with the Northern Corridor secretariat and other key players including the government to ensure successful realization of NCTTCA programs.

 Through Public Private partnership, it will be possible to identify challenges faced by stakeholders along the Northern Corridor and to propose solutions that will ensure satisfaction for all.


KNCCI team together with a PwC Technical advisor

The Kenya Chamber of Commerce, offered to embark on coordinated engagements with its members, to collect data required for the ‘Northern Corridor Business Information Portal’ that aims at profiling and marketing opportunities that lie within the Corridor.

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