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Newly Appointed Executive Secretary

Justus OMAE NYARANDI, the newly appointed NCTTCA Executive Secretary

The Northern Corridor Council of Ministers, during its 30th meeting held on 3rd August 2018 at SAROVA WHITESANDS BEACH RESORT in Mombasa, Kenya; appointed Mr. Justus OMAE NYARANDI, to the position of Executive Secretary of the Northern Corridor Transit and Transport Coordination Authority (NCTTCA) effective from 3rd September 2018.

Justus O. NYARANDI is a holder of an MBA (Strategic Management) from the University of Nairobi, Certified Public Accountant (CPAK), Certified Public Secretary (CPSK) and Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (MCIPS) with over 24 years accumulated experience in areas of Port Strategy, Procurement and Finance/Commercial aspects.

He is currently pursuing his research for PhD in Strategic Management with the University of Nairobi.

Justus O. NYARANDI worked with Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) in various positions for twelve years, with five years as General Manager Corporate Services in charge of Strategy, Corporate Communications, Research and IT.

Before his new appointment, Mr. Justus O. NYARANDI was working as the Managing Partner of Maritime Business and Economic Consultants and its subsidiary Keynes Consulting Services, the firms involved in consultancy in Maritime, transport Logistics, Strategy, Legal and Finance.

In his capacity as the NCTTCA Executive Secretary, he will foster cooperation and coordinate the achievement of the NCTTCA mandate and implementation of the Northern Corridor Agreement and Protocols with Member States through their relevant Ministries in. He will also forge and promote close working relationship with regional and international organisations.

In his past leadership positions, Justus O. NYARANDI, cultivated close working relationship with various stakeholders including Shipping lines, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and intergovernmental organisations, various ministries and customers from great lakes region and beyond. Mr. Justus NYARANDI hails from Kenya

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