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Joint Tcc

NCTTCA Secretariat Hosts the Kenya-Ethiopia joint Technical Corridor Coordinating Committee (TCCC) meeting on the Mombasa-Nairobi-Isiolo-Moyale-Addis Ababa Road Corridor

Road Authorities both in Kenya and Ethiopia are working closely to speed up the harmonization of Traffic and Vehicle Load Control rules to ease the movement of goods along the Mombasa-Nairobi-Isiolo-Moyale-Addis Ababa highway. As per the set schedule, the Vehicle Load control rules will start to be enforced by January 2017.

This was revealed during a working visit to the Northern Corridor Transit and Transport Coordination Authority (NCTTCA) Secretariat, by the Kenya-Ethiopia joint Technical Corridor Coordinating Committee (TCCC) on the sideline of its 3rd meeting for the Mombasa-Nairobi-Isiolo-Moyale-Addis Ababa Road Corridor held in Mombasa, Kenya, from 28th February to 4th March 2016.

“This as a sign of Ethiopia joining the Northern Corridor soon”, said Hon. A. Abdissa YADETA, State Minister of Transport/Ethiopia during the working visit of the 3rd Kenya-Ethiopia joint Technical Corridor Coordinating Committee delegations at NCTTCA, March 1st, 2016.

The 3rd Kenya-Ethiopia joint TCCC delegation from Ethiopia was led by Hon. Ato Abdissa YADETA, State Minister of Transport, and the delegation from Kenya was led by Hon. Eng. John  Mosonik the Principal Secretary/Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure accompanied by Eng. Peter Mundinia, Director General, Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA).

Donat M. BAGULA, the Executive Secretary of the NCTTCA, shared with the 3rd Kenya-Ethiopia joint TCCC for the Mombasa-Nairobi-Isiolo-Moyale-Addis Ababa Road Corridor some achievements and experiences in Corridor Management and explained in detail the institutional arrangements and mandate of the Northern Corridor as a Multimodal Trade route and Economic Development Corridor as well as the areas of cooperation between Member States.

Among other projects, Donat BAGULA told the 3rd Kenya-Ethiopia joint TCCC delegation that Northern Corridor Member States have already harmonised the Vehicle Load Control regulations based on the EAC Vehicle Load Control Act 2015.

“In the EAC Vehicle Load Control Act, the Gross Vehicle Weight limits were set at 56 tons with a maximum 7 axle vehicle”, BAGULA said.

“The Bill also provides for a tolerance of 5% of the Permissible maximum axle load limit shall be allowed”, he added.

Comparison of Kenya (Northern Corridor/EAC) and Ethiopia Vehicle Axle Load Limits

Vehicle Configuration

Vehicle Axle Load Limits (Tons)

Kenya (Northern Corridor/EAC)


Single Axle

10 Tons

10 Tons


18 Tons

17 Tons

Tridem (Triple Axle Group)

24 Tons

Up to 10 tons each (30 Tons)

Permissible Gross  Vehicle Weight

56 Tons

58 Tons

The NCTTCA’s Executive Secretary further emphasised the importance of decriminalising the offences of the Vehicle Load compliance which culminated in the Self-Regulatory Charter on Vehicle Load Control which was signed on 13th October 2014, at Mariakani, by Public and Private Stakeholders in Transport industry in Kenya.

Prior to the visit of the 3rd Kenya-Ethiopia joint TCCC delegation visit at NCTTCA, AfDB Ethiopia delegation led by Mr. Mumina Wa-Kiendo wich was on a one week Study tour in Mombasa had revealed that the Bank was funding some sections of the Mombasa-Nairobi-Isiolo-Moyale-Addis Ababa Road Network (1000km) and one Stop Border Post (OSBP) at Moyale, between Kenya and Ethiopia.

The AfDB delegation commended the NCTTCA for being a success story in Corridor Management and Performance Monitoring through the Transport Observatory after the one week Study tour to the Mombasa Port Community Stakeholders and a one on one discussion with all NCTTCA Heads of Programs on the functionning of their respective programs, key activities and projects, challenges and major achievements.

In that context, Hon. Ato Abdissa YADETA, State Minister of Transport/Ethiopia, who was leading the 3rd Kenya-Ethiopia joint TCCC delegation from Ethiopia expressed interest to explore how to join the Northern Corridor Transit and Transport Coordination Authority in the near future.

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