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8th Technical Meeting Participants

Private Sector to fully participate in the design and implementation of infrastructure development projects

Stakeholders from the Northern Corridor Member States of Burundi, DR Congo, Kenya and Uganda who attended the 2017 annual joint Technical Committee meetings on Infrastructure Development and Management and Private Sector Investment Promotion commended the Northern Corridor Member States’ firm commitment to accord the Private Sector more role and full involvement in the infrastructure development, trade and logistics chain with the aim of fast-tracking sustainable and economic development in the Region.

During the five day Meetings held back to back from from 15-19 May 2017 at Roca Golf Hotel, in Bujumbura, Burundi, among other areas, Stakeholders discussed and shared best practices on how to enhance the Private Sector participation in the design of transport infrastructure development projects namely: rehabilitation and upgrading of roads; the Standard Gauge Railway; development of Road Side Stations; Development of the integrated inland waterways transport system; Development of Port facilities and pipeline developments; and Public-Private Partnerships institutional framework and initiatives;  Cross-Border Trade Facilitation Programs and Joint Transport and Trade Facilitation Committees in the Great Lakes Region as well as the Promotion of the Northern Corridor Green Freight Program.

“Use this opportunity to provide the updated data, information and recommendations that enables the Northern Corridor Secretariat to carry out priority and focused interventions that shall have an impact on our population in Member States”, urged Hon. Eng.Déogratias MBABAREMPORE, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Equipment, Government of Burundi.

Hon. Eng. Déogratias MBABAREMPOREassured Burundi’s commitment and support of the Northern Corridor programmes and commended the NCTTCA for all its efforts to ensure that key regional Infrastructure projects are realized.

He then revealed that his country was the 3rd to officiate the Task Force Team for the implementation of the RSS Programme after Kenya and Uganda.


The unveiled 8 men task force team includes representatives from different institutions in the Government of Burundi namely; Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Equipment; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism; Ministry of Water, Environment and Urbanisation; Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning; Road Authority as well as the Burundi Investment Promotion Agency.

More than fifty (50) delegates from the Northern Corridor Member States had the opportunity to visit the selected Roadside Stations sites in Burundi are located in Bugarama and Kayanza, at 35 km and 87 km from Bujumbura, respectively. The Government of Burundi pledged full support and commitment to implement the RSS and also to incorporate the programme in its all multimodal Transport projects.

Delegates were also taken on a guided tour visit at the Port of Bujumbura which is the biggest on Tanganyika Lake as it handles 500.000 tons per year. Since 25 December 2012, the Government of Burundi granted a 30 year management concession of the Port of Bujumbura to Global Port Services Burundi (GPSB) with option to renew the contract for another 30 years.

According to the Maritime Authority in Burundi, the bulk of external trade (80%) is routed through the Port of Bujumbura.

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